Black Gold Outreach (Beaumont & Leduc)

(Leduc) 780-986-9466 (Beaumont) 780-929-5468

Diploma Info

Alberta High School Diploma & Certificate of High School Achievement Requirements

What courses/credits do I need to earn an Alberta High School Diploma?
Alberta High School Diploma Requirements

What courses/credits do I need to earn a Certificate of High School Completion?
Certificate of High School Achievement Requirements

Can I earn a diploma if I am taking Knowledge and Employability courses?
Knowledge & Employability Route to Diploma

Diploma Exams

Diploma Exam Schedule 23/24

Please note that you must arrive to your exams 15 minutes early.  Please confirm with your teacher where and when you will be writing.



  • Order high school transcripts in English and French
  • View diploma exam marks
  • Register to write or rewrite diploma exams with online payment
  • View and print Detailed Academic Reports (DAR)
  • View progress towards a credential (diploma or certificate)