Black Gold Outreach (Beaumont & Leduc)
(Leduc) 780-986-9466 (Beaumont) 780-929-5468
Outreach Coordinator, Science, and Learning Strategies Teacher
Front Office and Student Records
Finances and Library
Off-Campus Coordinator, Social Studies, Phys Ed, and CTS
Junior High Teacher
Science Teacher
Mathematics and Outdoor Education
Social Studies, English, Aboriginal Studies, CALM, and CTS
English, Art, Psychology, and Medical Services
Learning Support Teacher and Junior High Teacher
Junior High Support
Senior High Support
Principal and Off-Campus Coordinator
Outreach Coordinator, English, CALM, and Learning Strategies Teacher
Mathematics, Sciences, Psychology, and Medical Services
Junior High and Learning Support Teacher
Physical Education, First Aid, and Outdoor Education
English, Mathematics, and Second Languages
Social Studies, English, Aboriginal Studies, and CTS