Black Gold Outreach (Beaumont & Leduc)

(Leduc) 780-986-9466 (Beaumont) 780-929-5468

  • Lions Clubs Support Outreach Outdoor Education

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    Both the Leduc Lions Club and the Millwoods Lions Club believe in investing in the youth of our community by donating money to support the Outdoor Education Camps offered at Black Gold Outreach School. This year, sixteen students will be camping at Strathcona Wilderness Centre and participating in outdoor cooking lessons, fire-building, shelter building, wilderness survival skills, geo-caching, rockwall climbing, orienteering, knife skills, canoeing, and team building activities.

    The youth that participate in this program are exposed to new activities in an outdoor setting that many may not have had the opportunity to explore before. They are challenged to push their personal boundaries while developing cooperative skills. A safe environment, where their success is ensured, encourages them to continue these pursuits in their personal lives. Many of our youth are unable to access these types of experiences due to individual life circumstances, financial difficulties, access to adequate transportation/equipment, and lack of support/encouragement.  Without the generous support of the Leduc and Millwoods Lions Clubs these opportunities would not be possible.

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